Puppy Package

Written Sales Contract

Health Record

Fleece with Momma and littermates’ scent

Current Food- 4Health

Health Guaranteed for one year against inheritable genetic defects

Be up to date on shots- DHPP/DA2PP- Distemper, Adenovirus (Canine Infectious Hepatitis), Parvo, Parainfluenza

Anti-parasitic regime (deworming 3x)

Microchipping- The microchip is implanted in the withers area which is on the puppy's back between the shoulder blades.

Socialized with human of all ages

Socialized with dogs and other animals

Knowledge of basic potty training- Litterbox Training

Neurostim- Early neurological stimulation is done several times a week starting at birth; de-worming occurs weekly from 3 weeks on. Tis consists of handling and touching puppies in the majority of the locations that will be manipulated throughout their lives such as the pads of the feet and the ears and mouth.

**All pups are left completely "natural" meaning they have their dew claws (including rear) intact and their tails are intact.  Meaning no amputations or dockings or removals of these body parts has been done.  You have the option to have any cosmetic surgery done at the time of your spay/neuter if you wish these items to be altered.**

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